jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

An Internationalist Proposal on Strategy and Revolutionary Change

                                                                                                           Versión en francés
                                                                                                      Versión en español
                                                                                                                 Versión en italiano

An Internationalist Proposal
Strategy and Revolutionary Change

To the Supporters of the World Socialist Revolution

A Clarification
We have to admit that this text is a bit too long but we wanted to be as explicit and as specific as possible, particularly given the lack of mutual knowledge between those of us who are making this Proposal and you who read it.
We are at your disposal for whatever you need to know and we invite you to give your opinion on it. To begin with, we thank you for your patience when you read the text.

Argentina, 25 October 2014.

This writing is made up of three parts and two annexes:

An Introduction. Page 1
I) Taking stock of the situation. Page 2
II) What is to be done in this situation? Page 7
III) An internationalist proposal. Page 8
a) Who this proposal is addressed to. Page 9
b) Core ideas or matters to be dealt with in the reappropriation and strategic theoretical-political production in the earliest stage. Page 11
c) Spaces and procedures for cooperation, interchange, promotion, production and spreading. Page 12
d) Forms of participation. Page 14
e) Warnings and clarifications. Page 15
f) Immediate Steps. Page 17

Annex 1: Draft on conditions and requirements for the publication of texts, essays, articles. Page 18
Annex 2: Additional notes on the current theoretical-political production and the need to promote it from other places and positions. Page 18

An Introduction

There are numerous groupings and organizations of all type and size worldwide, as well as individuals more or less “on the loose”, who try to oppose the current society, claiming the need of a revolution to achieve a society different from the capitalist one, which some call socialism, others communism, classless society, anarchy.

The origins of those groups are variegated. Some come from splits or breaking of relations of organizations or parties; others arise encouraged by economic, social, student, political struggle and any form of resistance to capitalism.

The present Proposal does not aim at all that spectrum of groups and people; neither does it aim for unity, grouping or coordination of a part of them. Neither does it suggest any type of agreements for combined action in different struggles or situations. Neither does it make any sort of appeal. Neither does it intend to announce the appearance of a new political group in the disconcerting mosaic of names of a puzzle that is impossible to put together.

Neither is this Proposal made by an existing organization nor by an organization in project.

It is the result of a disparate exchange among some supporters of international revolution to eradicate and overcome capitalism, and of some balances and conclusions that we have arrived at.

Note: it must be clarified that the drafts of this Proposal have been discussed with comrades from Spain and Italy, in particular in Spain with the comrades of Inter-Rev, who made criticism, suggestions and proposals of modification, many of which have been added to the Proposal. The final writing is just the responsibility of those of us who are presenting it, from Argentina, and surely those comrades will give their opinion on the final writing and the Proposal itself.

What is all this about then?

I) Taking stock of the situation

As we said, there are small minorities in the world which want to change the current society, to achieve a society without exploiters or exploited, without oppressors or oppressed, without injustice or discrimination of any type. It is an old desire of many generations before ours that lived and died without seeing their effort and struggle succeed.

There is something about which we cannot fool ourselves. Capitalism, against those who from the first half of the previous century foretold its nearing end, has proved its continuity, its strength, even in the midst of its large crises, armed conflicts, and contradictions. What is more, if it were true that capitalism is heading for collapse, it all proves that if it dies from its own contradictions, it will die killing. But the truth is that despite its crises, it kills without dying. It is not hard to verify that, against some forecasts of the early decades of the previous century and those which came later, the bourgeoisie kept its power and spread it all over the world, conquered it with its mode of production, its economy that changes it all into goods, their social relationships; summing up, it increased capitalist exploitation, oppression and injustice.

Far from disappearing, huge inequalities, serious social problems, repression and wars, social abysses between those who have more and those who have less have grown to scandalous levels. And we do not want to figure out where the world, a large part of mankind, would be but for the struggle of resistance, even those which ended in defeat.

On the other hand, and confirming the powerful procedures of defence and reproduction that capital has, successful revolutionary movements, such as the October Revolution, could not materialise their dreams, because of the attacks from the international bourgeoisie, the specific weakness of the proletarian class itself, the defeats of other labour movements in more developed countries which involved strangulation by isolation, and internal policies in leading sectors of those movements, which eventually led those revolutionary processes to paths of defeat and the triumph of counter-revolution. Nowadays, there is no block of countries or a single country that has got rid of capitalism.

Does this all mean that there is nothing to do and that the command of capital will be inevitable and eternal? Certainly not, it just means that we cannot ignore in our analyses, statements, programmes and lines of action that all this has happened and happens. And that we must sharpen our aim.

But this is not all. There are other elements to analyze, of which, for brevity of this text, we just point at four.

  1. It is symptomatic, or at least alarming, that there is an absence of socialist revolutions or the great weakness of the relevant movements in the most developed capitalist countries; and that the revolutions that managed to oust leading classes or sectors, even in a partial way or temporarily, were not socialist (except for the Russian one in its earliest stage) and have taken place in countries with a weaker capitalist development, with democratic tasks or of national liberation pending and not in consolidated democracies, in powerful imperialist states. This gives rise to a series of questions that necessarily have an impact on strategic and tactical questions.
  2. Whereas bourgeois policies and ideologies, even extreme ones, saw dramatic growth, such as the neoliberalism of the 1980's and 1990's, which shook the main political parties in the world, including socialists, social democrats, populists, etc, proletarian revolutionary, anti capitalist policies and ideology saw their presence and influence dwindle, if we compare their situation with that of a hundred years earlier.
  3. The ruling class has perfected its ideological production and distribution, in the theoretical, cultural and political level. The large hegemonic mass media turned into the intellectual collective of the ruling class and influence policies, ideology and common sense in an unprecedented scale, to become the great constructors of the discourse of truth and of the implementation and determination of agendas.
  4. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the re-unification of Germany, the dismemberment of the USSR and the advances of capital in the former so-called “Socialist” or “Real Socialism” countries -where, apart from elements of state capitalism, there were already other capitalist and even precapitalist relationships- have succeeded in establishing the false idea that capitalism is eternal and that its tremendous crises and injustice are the companions of the whole future and can only be solved or mitigated with other manners of managing capitalism.

All these questions are known to all those groups. And in their regard, some of the organizations wonder and agree on the need -and sometimes even as a matter of urgency- to confront weaknesses -theoretical, political (and organizational)- to make a leap forward.

Setting aside those who embark on activism and movimientismo1 without really caring for the aims and real limitations of action for the sake of action, many remark the importance of theory and the need for its development, sometimes repeating Lenin's quote 'Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement' (in any case, for some of the signatories of this Proposal, the quote would be better rephrased as 'without revolutionary theory, there is no triumphant revolutionary movement').

This need is also expressed in the slogan of working to keep and construct against the flow the theoretical, political and programmatic continuity of the internationalist and international communist movement.

Some insist on the need of making a good balance of the revolutionary experiences of the past, particularly of the Russian Revolution and the lessons of counter-revolutions, as well as of the current weakness of the international communist movement. Or that there is a need to get back to the sources and purge all revisionism and opportunism.

Quite a few state that there is a deficit in the assessment of the current situation of world capitalism, its tendencies and its perspectives. Some even state that imperialism -as a phase of capitalism- does not exist anymore and that we now have an Empire, which was naturally questioned by others, although not always filling the theoretical gaps caused by the transformations of the last 50 years in economy, politics and the technological, ideological and cultural fields.

For different reasons, some have even questioned the proletariat as the subject of revolution. And refuting them with arguments from spread manuals can serve to get it out of the way, or convince militants, but does not answer questions nor overcome criticism. Marx's chapter on Social Classes remained unfinished on page one -Marx died without concluding his work. Does this mean that there have been no advances on the subject? Surely there have, but those advances remain practically unknown and there is a lot to be done.

Marxism has been severely questioned, “refuted” and even declared dead. But every capitalist crisis evidences its vitality, its applicability and the validity of texts such as the “Communist Manifesto”, of “Capital”, of “Wage Labour and Capital” and others.

And what have been the theoretical developments accounting for the changes and problems arisen over the last hundred years? Which matters deserve greater efforts of analysis? These are questions that require answers and their consequent spreading.

One can also verify that sometimes there are defences of Marxism which harm it more than attacks from the enemy. Even confusion is so great that Marxism can denote anything from a bourgeois ideology justifying Stalinism and other pro-state capitalism tendencies to a new bourgeois left wing trying to “rejuvenate” and sweep their previous abandonment of principles under the rug. Only in some cases Marxism is seen as scientific, revolutionary, internationalist and militant communism, and even thus there are different tendencies that claim to be its only expression and say so without turning red, in spite of the fact that some of them have supported a bourgeois side in inter-imperialist wars, which places them on the side of counter-revolution.

And as an element of this brief partial assessment of the situation, here is an ascertainment:

Neither the working class nor the non-proletarian salaried sectors, neither those which the system tends to proletarize or even worse, marginalize, need the groups and organizations mentioned in the first paragraph to fight back abuses form capital, to resist, to organize picket lines, strikes, marches. Class struggle develops spontaneously from the entrails of society. Revolutionaries do not generate it. They can try to lead it and fight to achieve its leadership, they can contribute to spread it, radicalize it and give it cohesion and well-defined aims, ingenuity and intelligence to face the enemy. They can hinder it with their errors and poor action plans, their confusions and programmatic and method inadequacies and tactical opportunism. Or they can be in limbo when the situation requires them, confining themselves to tasks which are not essential or are secondary.

But if the most massive powerful movements, rebellions and insurrections of wide sectors of workers can even bring down a government, they cannot get off the ground a triumphant Socialist revolution, nor establish the bases for a new society. Without a programme to account for the challenges of the current world, without politicized vanguards, organized and armed with revolutionary theory and politics, without an international and internationalist revolutionary party, failure is guaranteed and there will be no chances to eradicate capitalism.

For some the strategy is already decided, as they refer to its main lines: the working class should establish itself as a class, the bourgeois class must be ousted, with some politics to attract poor peasant sectors, small producers and non-proletarian salaried to the proletarian revolution, and once the bourgeois power is finished off, proletarian power is installed, private property of means of production and change is finished off, socialism will be installed. They also add that the strategy of revolution is a worldwide one, as the proletariat isolated in a single country cannot develop socialism.

Whatever the case, these and other general statements, although valid, do not suffice to solve all strategic and tactical matters, but rather point at essential general characteristics and part of the way in that direction. They defend the starting point to analyze, develop, elaborate, and define in-depth revolutionary politics and tactics with greater precision.

To make things worse, regarding the concepts of tactics and strategy, there are different conceptions, even among those of us who make this Proposal there are nuances on how to define or understand strategy.

It is frequent among militants not to have a clear view of the very relationship between strategy and tactics and even a confusion of both. Valuable contributions on those matters that can exist remain practically unknown and demand tasks of separating the wheat from the chaff. And well-known materials on strategy and tactics are usually quite schematic, inadequate and some of them, in our opinion, are wrong.

Those who think that strategy is the same as tactics quickly lose sight of the aims and organize hierarchically actions and movement and generally end up in unionist, parliamentary, economicist and spontaneist groups. Besides, they usually mistake the programme for a piece of paper where to write slogans and general aims.

Those who think that tactics is the same as strategy generally end up in absolute isolation, in politics of the all-or-nothing, in the inability to perceive nuances and believe and treat a dictatorship like Pinochet's the same as a government like Salvador Allende's. It is true that in both cases power remained in the hands of the bourgeoisie, that it remained a capitalist country although one of them thinks that it is heading for socialism and that in any case, in that way, it just could lead to state capitalism and that it does not alter fundamentally the proletariat's revolutionary tasks. But they are not the same regarding the secondary form and aspects (generally they also correspond to distinct sectors of the ruling class). And as they do not solve tactics correctly, some end up isolating themselves from real processes without a chance to have an impact on consciousness and organization of the working class and other sectors susceptible of being influenced by the proletariat's politics, confining themselves to non-conformist, testimonial, propagandistic practice (although sometimes the weakness of forces does not allow to do anything else).

Obviously, telling the difference between them does not involve a support of fronts with those or other sectors of the bourgeoisie, nor a change in the programme, nor encourage expectations for those governments, or hide the fact that only the proletariat, in its revolutionary class struggle, will be able to finish off the evils of capitalism and capitalism itself.

Of course, cue-taking of left-wing or populist governments is as harmful or even more harmful. But neither do extreme alternatives make the forces of revolution advance.

Not analyzing these questions in deep also prevents us from seeing their strategic/tactical implications, which eventually leads to set off course.

How not to fall into one extreme or the other? Which is actually the best conduct to follow so as to avoid it? How to act in different struggles, movements or situations? What for? Well, these are some of the matters that require more production and revalue the past production, making the best of the extremely rich experience of the revolutionary labour movement.

II) What is to be done in this situation?

The current Proposal does not intend to set indications, recommendations or reconventions regarding every group's practice. There is already too much pedantry and charlatanism around to add more, and it would add nothing to the assessment of the current situation.

What we try to remark here is a weakness -among several- of the real movement and the need to devote a part of the efforts to work on it even more.

We are addressing all of those who share the need to help in the clarification and revalorization of theory, the principles, the programme, the revolutionary strategy and tactics and other strategic and fundamental problems, be they individuals, incipient groupings, groups with a trajectory. Of course, with an agreement on basic criteria.

It is important to notice that some groups and individuals consider what is to be done and accordingly make different proposals or start different projects aimed at giving account for the specific lacks and needs underlined above. This Proposal does not intend to discredit those efforts neither to compete with them.

In this Proposal we are going to focus on something that is in our hands' reach, which may also be in the hands' reach of several of the groups and people mentioned above, and that we think can somehow contribute to create better conditions for the development of proletarian, anti-capitalist, communist forces. And at the same time, to be also a small contribution to break the isolation of the different proletarian vanguards and sensitive committed people who want to contribute to finish off the society based on the exploitation of the human being by the human being.

Among the different problems that we must work on to alter the current correlation of forces is the dispersed and to some extent poor strategic political theoretical reappropriation and production and its spread.

The Proposal focuses on that problem: the strategic theoretical and political reappropriation and production to confront bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideologies, theories and policies, and to contribute to the theoretical and political continuity of revolutionary communist positions from the past as well.

Contributing to improve the reappropriation and theoretical and political production on strategic questions and its spread

Whereas the bourgeoisie has the great ideological, theoretical, political and cultural means of production, distribution, spread, installation and consumption, the cause of proletarian emancipation has next to nothing. Of course, it is logical, for, as Marx and Engels pointed out clearly in The German Ideology, the class exerting the ruling material power in society is, at the same time, its dominant intellectual power. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.”

It does not mean that proletarian, anti-capitalist communist forces do not have any means or that they sit powerlessly in the face of that reality, but it is necessary to take that reality into account to potentiate the small forces, the small means of production, to produce, spread, defend and extend their productions. Always being aware, on the other hand, that it is just in certain moments of rise of class struggle, of prominence of the large masses, in the practice of confrontation and struggle that the latter will manage to break part of their political and ideological chains and not with a merely propagandistic task. And, of course, provided that there is a vanguard armed theoretically and politically to lead and organize solidly and coherently forces against class enemies.

It is obvious, but it is equally necessary to clarify it, that this is not a theoretical or a theoreticist proposal, cut off from the world of struggle. On the contrary, this Proposal is precisely embedded in one of the needs of praxis. And it involves doubling the efforts to assume one of the tasks that reveal the struggle of our class and of its most active sectors, a task that must not be underestimated or postponed. Also, it should not be forgotten that many times the efforts do fail not for their theoretical, programmatic, strategic or tactical lack, but for the tremendously unfavourable correlation of forces and the state of the working class and the elements that join Internationalist communism.

Of course, there are those for whom the movement is everything that counts and the aims do not matter. Obviously they will not be interested in this Proposal, except, maybe, to discredit it. Those who have everything solved will not be interested either and for them the only thing missing is for the proletariat to admit it and see them as its leadership. It is up to them. It will indeed be important to have constructive criticism of the Proposal from those who are interested in that practical need to improve and to go more deeply into the strategic theoretical-political reappropriation and production and regarding this Proposal opposing -or supporting- with valid causes, and to set it out with arguments.

III) An Internationalist Proposal

Taking thus into account the needs
  • to revalue, defend, clarify and precise the theory, the principles, the programme, the revolutionary strategy and tactics and other strategic and fundamental problems;
  • to be able to fight a better and more forceful ideological, theoretical and political combat against the bourgeoisie and its influence in the heart of the working class and other deprived sectors;
  • to have up-to-date materials to train cadres and to counteract the influence of the proliferation of versions of Marxism and of self-proclaimed revolutionary politics which are merely common-or-garden versions integrated into the system;
  • to contribute to make the efforts of those who came before us in our positions not to fade into oblivion and be known and have the new generations make the most of them;
  • to help break up isolation and to create better conditions to encourage good polemics and the future convergence processes of classist minorities, left communists, etc.
we intend to make and propose making yet another small modest step in that sense.

For that purpose,

  • with the main aim of promoting, stimulating and spreading the reappropriation and theoretical-political production on strategic questions of the struggle for a classless society, 

we intend to make and propose creating an area and instruments to facilitate cooperation, exchange, production, promotion and organized spreading of the efforts that everyone might make regarding this aspect of the ideological political struggle.

This Proposal is specified in five parts:

a) Who this Proposal is addressed to.
b) Core ideas or matters that the reappropriation and theoretical-political strategic production in an early stage will deal with.
c) Spaces and procedures for cooperation, exchange, promotion, production and spreading.
d) Forms of participation and answers to the Proposal.
e) Warnings and clarifications.
f) Immediate steps.

a) Who this proposal is addressed to

This Proposal is not open to everyone or for everyone to publish whatever they want in the media of the Proposal.

As of now, it is not addressed to those who do not see a need of a social revolution, or those who consider that prior to a Socialist revolution there is some sort of bourgeois or multi-classist stage. All those sectors and people have already got at their disposal the media of the ruling class they serve. Should the ruling class not consider them, that is their problem only.

The Proposal starts from a base of the revolutionary proletarian movement, and there is no way back, i.e. the conviction of the need of a Socialist Revolution without stages nor prior democratic or national liberation stages, that the current State is of no use for the period of transition from a capitalist society to a new society, and on the contrary, it will be necessary to set up another type of State, whose last goal it its own extinction as a State, in a new world, free from social classes or exploitation. That socialism is not the state capitalism that triumphed in the Russian counter-revolution. They also agree on the certainty that parliamentarism is not a means of conquest of power but a drifting to other ways that trap the proletariat in. And instead of national claims, they raise the flags of proletarian internationalism and they consider the need of a revolutionary party. They also agree that the construction of communism in a single country is impossible and that today, in every country, regardless of the name of their society, there is capital and the system of wage-earning work.

Important Note: Those who agree on getting the Proposal off the ground will better determine the above mentioned distinguishing features or determinants to take part in.

Despite the need of leaving it clear that those who preach about class conciliation or a different manner to manage the bourgeois State and capitalism, or those who defend the path of reform instead of revolution, are excluded from the Proposal, we find it an error to set up an extremely long list of determinants so as to let in just a very small minority.
Surely more restricting boundary lines could be established. But our guideline is that, excepting those who fit in these distinguishing features, we do not intend to censor ideas which do not meet every group’s opinions -or of those who make this Proposal-, for the aim is to encourage genuine production, with arguments and developments, which will certainly stimulate debate, analysis, open-mindedness, and a strengthening of positions, whether by adding other points of view, or by strengthening and developing one’s previous ones.

It must be clear that for some groups, other groups, particularly if they are the result of a fracture or former comrades who went through a painful split, are practically the worst enemy and should not be included in this Proposal. Or maybe they might agree on taking part on condition that the other party does not participate. We shall try to avoid those questions and follow the guidelines that we shall establish. Particularly if we keep in mind that there are many different Forms of participation in this Proposal and, besides, it does not involve joint signatures, or mutual recognition, or necessarily common work with others.

Other conditions are also necessary for the publication of a text, mostly formal ones but also with their own political side. These conditions will rather be aimed at avoiding poorly substantiated, aggressive texts or polemics between groups which have already got enough room in their own press. Some of these points are specified in an annex at the end of this document, but will actually be defined by those who support the Proposal.

In order to solve in a transparent manner this issue and without manipulations, those who agree finally on the Proposal will establish clear norms for publication so that everyone knows what to expect and to avoid arbitrary decisions or scheming.

b) Core ideas or matters that the reappropriation and theoretical-political strategic production in an early stage will deal with

(The choice of number of core ideas and their determination is not restricted, it is a mere draft, and it is exposed here very briefly, without an order of importance and will be specified by those who support the Proposal.)

One. The current state of capitalism and its economic, social and political tendencies. Its crises and the current crises. Common and distinguishing features regarding Marx's times, the fight against the bourgeois political economy and its “explanations”. It includes Lenin's Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, plus Bukharin's, Rosa Luxemburg's and others' works on monopolistic capital, etc. or should new phenomena, distinct stages or phases be considered? What is their influence on politics? And on the working class itself? What lessons can be drawn from the experiences of class struggle? These could be some of the many themes and subthemes to be considered.

Two. Characteristics of the Revolution, particularly in regard to the period of transition and its tasks. The plan is not to ‘invent’ something ideal or make nice statements that avoid the real problems that a triumphant revolutionary movement will face, but ground it on the base of the experiences of revolutionary processes and thinking of the problematic as based on today’s countries and real world. Summing up, “taking” power is probably the easy bit, but what next? What is to be done with it or with the new power, if the old one is dismantled? And a traditional, generic, wishful-thinking ideal answer does not suffice and it will be tragic thing to find out when power is held. State of transition. Democracy, Programme, State, Class and Party (or parties). Forms of organization of the proletarian power. Economy or neoeconomy. Balance of experiences.

With people’s stereotypical view, that imaginary view created by the ruling ideology, plus some tragic events in the revolutionary processes, plus the fall of the USSR and the processes of capitalist advances in the former self-proclaimed socialist countries, there is a long way to be run. It is no use to turn a blind eye on this and mere denunciation does not suffice.

Three. The subject of revolution. The real current situation of the working class - social composition, relative weight, etc. The presence of other types of protest movements as compared to the traditional ones, regarding injustice and situations of oppression. What should be seen as a proletarian class today, as seen from social and political stands? What to consider or substantiate regarding the statements that the working class of the largest capitalist countries tends to vanish and to gentrify. What is the political positioning vis-à-vis the phenomenon of working sectors which defend their particular interests against those of the working masses? Those are some of the many matters regarding which there is surely a lot produced and to be produced.

Four. The role of Justice and Judicial Power as the last bulwark of the bourgeois power. The apparatuses of ideological, political and cultural production and distribution, not just of the State but of the ruling class as a whole, at national and international level. Forms and mechanisms to construct its common sense, its discourse of truth and its agendas. How to counteract at least in the vanguard sectors. How do the vanguards fortify the production and distribution of their theories and politics and counteract those of the ruling class.

Five. Class and party. Theory and Revolution. Spontaneism, consciousness, organization, the role of vanguards. Reappraisal and defence of Marxism. Theory and Praxis. The theories on class consciousness that proliferated in the proletarian movement.

Six. The problems of strategy and tactics. Their relation with the Programme and the principles. The various conceptions and their implications in practice. The relation between strategy and tactics. It is also necessary to identify and study the different strategies and tactics of the bourgeois class to defend and extend its system, and in its struggle against the exploited and oppressed of the world. The own politics and tactics of the supporters of revolution must take this into account and act in consequence. Valuing and synthesizing the relevant polemics.

All the points are mixed up

Obviously many of those matters, if not all, are mixed upand influence each other and the division we make is an artificial one: their main purpose is to make a panoramic view of the problems that we think the project in this early stage must grasp.
This list is to be improved. As a matter of fact, there are key questions missing that deserve inclusion, such as the union question, ecology, women, counter culture, war in capitalism, economies of self subsistence or outside the large markets, Democracy, the State, parliamentarism, the remnants of the national and peasant question.
Actually there is no subject excluded.
What we do want to remark is the need of making the effort of going beyond the daily present and think in perspective, on the medium and long run, about the main problems that must guide the anti-capitalist, classist revolutionary movement. Of course, we have an advantage: we do not start from scratch. We have a long, extremely rich theoretical-political tradition and it is on it that we feed ourselves, as well as on the experiences that we have lived and are living in the daily struggle. Disadvantages are left out: we do know them and suffer them.

How do we plan and propose to stimulate the reappropriation and strategic theoretical production on those matters? With what procedures? What are we inviting you to take part in?

c) Spaces and procedures for cooperation, exchange, promotion, production and spreading

  • Spaces

Given the international nature of the Proposal (internationalist in its content, international in its form), its production will be published in magazine, book, bulletin and brochure format (according to the production), in all formats and supports available. (It is important to remark that this is not thought as a publishing house or an editorial task).

The central publication medium will be the magazine of the Proposal.

The publication rate of the magazine will depend on production, although a minimum rate and an ideal rate will be defined by the participants of the team. It will preferably be published on paper but, of course, on digital supports as well, including audio-books and other formats that technology will permit.

(NB: in relation to the materials received, those of us who make the proposal guarantee the design, the layout and their digital output in different formats, including audio-books, the digital version paginated as a book, web publication and distribution to those who might subscribe and other contacts. As regards the paper edition, we can just propose it with our forces in Spanish and for Argentina. Re other places and languages, it will depend on those who take part in the magazine and the chances we might achieve.)

In relation to the Spaces for exchange, debate, collaborative production, etc, they will be defined by those of us who decide to participate in the proposal. Real physical spaces and chances of meetings will be defined on the go and the real chances, given the long distances.

  • Procedures for cooperation, exchange and production

What will the production of materials be like? What will the procedures be?

As we said above in point A), besides a clear dividing line with those who are the left of the system, the dividing line in relation to other groups is not clear or there are too many of them.

But supposing that this dividing line is more or less determined, in relation to those of us whose participation in the proposal is valuable, we meet another difficulty:

Although it would be ideal for all of those who want to participate in the elaboration of some of the matters to meet, to debate, etc, to reach a combined production, it is nowadays impossible, except for a small group of people, preferably from the same organization. But this Proposal is not necessary for that purpose (although the Proposal can serve for their spreading and enrichment).

The existence of “great” barriers and frontiers among different close groups, hinder today that combined production and even a serious discussion on those matters. The history of failed meetings and brushes so proves it.

The motives of that current impossibility are many. Some can surely be solved or are in the background in another moment, and are more related to sectarianism, previous confrontations, too much individualism, poor classifications and obviously the weight of counter-revolution and the wear and tear of rowing against the flow. But there are also really important differences on some or many matters that might stop that combined production.

For all that, the Proposal must start from the current reality: many groups or people that might agree on some basic questions cannot discuss together today, not to mention work together. And trying to solve that first would only lead to endless debates without perspective.

But there is also another truth that cannot be ignored, and this is the fact that, if we just had contact with those who absolutely agree with us, we would be throwing in the towel on the very essence of political and ideological struggle and could never change the current correlation of forces between the supporters of revolution and the diverse groupings defending the capitalist system.

We should start from the base that those who are interested in contributing to the production on a subject will have points of view that are different from the rest.

Then the solution is –obviously, from a common base that excludes the left of the capital- to encourage the production of diverse developments, each of them with their own approach, and integrate the same in a single volume of the magazine, of a book. For example, like a publisher in the past, Pasado y Presente, used to gather texts by diverse authors, for example “Sobre el Partido”, tome 1, tome 2, etc.

As most of the writings made or sent for publication will actually be rather personal contributions, even when those people might belong to such or such group, it is much more transparent and simple to assess the writings than the people or groups, for which reason, if the writings respect the points and conditions agreed on, they will be published, those which do not, will not.

And so on in every case: each person or group will determine what it is ready to do in a team and with whom, to produce a text in common, and it will not be determined by the Proposal, as it is not necessary that all of those who take part agree on everything and take part in everything.

In this manner, every participant will have the possibility of choosing different types of participation and places in this Proposal.

d) Forms of participation and answers to the Proposal

Setting aside the first stage of this Proposal (which will be dealt with in point E), where the basics will be determined by the discussion and redefinition of the Proposal itself, there will be many manners of membership and participation.

Here they are, from minor to major, and everyone shall decide which one or ones they are interested in:

  1. Get the magazine and other publications that might be produced in the Proposal.
  2. Spread the Proposal and its productions.
  3. Contribute to propose matters to be dealt with.
  4. Make comments on texts published.
  5. Contribute to the forums that might be set up for debate, prior or after each production of each subject.
  6. Contribute to proofreading -spelling, style, etc – of the drafts sent to the Proposal.
  7. Send articles or essays on some of the core ideas and matters defined.
  8. Join any of the different groups that might be set up for production of an article or essay on subject X.
  9. Join the group that coordinates production and compilation of subject X.
  10. Join the design/publication team of each material (magazine, etc) either by joining teams centralizing those tasks or in cooperation with them.
  11. Join the general team that will carry out the global Project of the Proposal and will make general decisions on aspects such as formal requirements of the articles, dates, and will decide on questions that might arise, etc.
(More forms of participation can be defined)

e) Warnings and clarifications

Probably the greatest difficulty that the project will face is how to aim at a real strategic production planned for the dispute against the influence of the bourgeois and petty bourgeois ideology in the most sensitive sectors of the working class, of the young and of those who resist the arbitrary decisions of capitalism. We have a tendency to focus on formal issues, to concentrate mostly on the juncture, on tactical problems, on short texts or on the immediate taking of a stand in isolated cases. The point is, each group generally faces these urgent, immediate needs with their press, website or forum.

It must be stressed that this Proposal does not intend to underestimate the specific, daily militant activity that each group carries out in their labour, student or social milieu. In any case, it should be reminded that strategic perspective helps a lot in that daily task, in the participation in movements, in “mass” actions and everything else. With a more precise strategic view, tactical actions can be integrated and be given a meaning.

It also does not intend to substitute, replace or underestimate other proposals for debate, exchange of ideas, or production from different groups. In any case, this Proposal can even strengthen their influence and aims, create yet another place to spread their developments and can even be an additional stimulus to accelerate them.

As we do not propose regroupings, etc, this could lead to the wrong conclusion that we underestimate that need. We do see it as necessary, but as we said above, that is not in our hands.

The fact that the Proposal is being promoted outside an organizational framework might also lead to the conclusion that we underestimate the need of the construction of vanguard organizations and of the Party. Or that we are proposing study groups or trying to arrange individual work in order of importance. Not at all. This Proposal not only does not intend to substitute the organizations and their activities, but on the contrary, it does intend to contribute -on a very modest scale, by the way- to each participant of the Proposal, and to the development of the Internationalist communist movement, without an aim of beating anyone nor to purport as an alternative group to others. It rather intends to be an instrument for the work that everyone is carrying out.

To give an example (taking into account the limitations of any example), electricity, the Proposal is not intended to be a dam or a power station, but a small part of the mains of electricity supply, where something can be produced, but basically stimulates and helps those who produce to find other channels of distribution to reach other people. And not just anybody, as this is not a proposal for a bookshop or a publishing house, but for the people who are fighting or approaching the struggle.

In relation to warnings from organizations, it must be stressed that this Proposal does not involve unities, alliances not even mutual action agreements for the participants, not to mention an endorsement or an acceptation for all the materials that might arise.

It must be added that the magazine of the Proposal, as well as any other publications, will not belong to any organization neither will it be signed by a group, not even by the groups that might claim it, and no group will be its owner. As a matter of fact, the Proposal itself “will be” of those who carry it out in its integrity and not ours. (“Will be” in quotations, for, to be precise, the Proposal belongs to our class, but today this is merely a phrase with a great amount of voluntarism.)

The articles may be signed as it best suits their authors. (Pseudonym, real name, real name + organization membership, organization, etc.)

For the organizations and/or individuals, their minimum participation will just give them one more place, and an unbiased one, where they can publish their materials (which, as a matter of fact, could be done without their permission, as none of the groups that we are really addressing agrees with private property and copyright preventing or charging for the publication of their ideas, but obviously it is not the same).

To make clear the meaning of unbiased place, it obviously takes stand, i.e. it supports the Socialist/proletarian revolution. What we want to point out is that the magazine, etc will not be of an organization neither a list of them. And we do not intend to make the publication into a group or a mentor or model, as it usually happens.

If the goal of the minimum participation is the publication in the Proposal, the maximum participation is the participation in the establishment, promotion, coordination, orientation and strengthening of a place (printed/digital) where productions on strategic matters will be considered. (Or takes part in the general team of the project).

In relation to the magazine, we suppose that in many cases it will be monothematic, i.e. in the same issue there will be one or several articles and essays (by one or several authors) on some of the core ideas proposed. In other cases, every issue will deal with more than one subject.

The general team will prioritize some of the matters in order to publish the first volume on that. The idea is to make it a quarterly or four-monthly publication (it will be defined according to the forces and possible production), but as volumes are completed, they will be published as soon as they are ready and in the order to be determined, as well as the minimum of pages agreed on.
With our current forces, we can just make the Proposal a publication of two issues per year and surely of low quality in content if we compare it with the possible results if other people and groups contribute to the Proposal.

f) Immediate steps

We approach this Proposal in two stages, a stage of formalization and a start-up stage.

The stage of formalization is aimed at considering criticism and suggestions from different people and groups on the definitions and characteristics of this Proposal. The aim of the stage is to improve, correct, enlarge, rewrite the Proposal itself and better define the diverse aspects of the same. Apart from that, it requires abridgement, this writing is too long.

As for the second stage, the start-up of the Proposal, we intend to start it three months after it is officially published and with those who by that time will have expressed their will to take part, then the rest will join in, as they show their will to participate in the activities they are interested in and in those we might need. The period might be extended if the evolution of the stage of formalization so requests it.

In relation to the first stage, those who agree with the whole or part of the Proposal, or those of you who want to give your opinion on it, will you please send your remarks, contributions, criticism, etc to the following address


Letters, unless otherwise requested, will be uploaded on the website where the materials of this Proposal will be centralized and published. Besides, that website will have links to the senders' websites. The website will be at:


Subsequently, with the decision of those who take part in the Proposal, forums and other procedures and resources for work, discussion and spreading will be open.

Thanks for your attention; we send you cordial fraternal regards.

Starting team of the International and Internationalist Proposal “Revolutionary Strategy and Change”

Argentina, 25 October 2014

IMPORTANT WARNING: Unfortunately for the time being we can just read and answer in Spanish in full, read in Italian, and hardly read French and English. Probably if comrades from different places join us, we might include other languages. Regarding the publications that we have put forward in the Proposal so far, we can just guarantee them in Spanish.

Annex 1:
Draft of conditions and requirements for the publication of texts, essays, articles

1 Writings must stick to the subjects proposed and have an emphasis on strategic perspective, i.e. they must not be an informative view or a taking of stand on a present event (except for an analysis with long-term perspective and with a tactical aim within that limit).
2. Every proposal must be based, as much as possible, on verifiable facts, theories and sources.
3. The defence of positions that are unconnected to the points of minimum agreement on the Proposal, the support of counterrevolutionary policies and of states where capital and the exploitation of the wage-earning is dominant will not be accepted.
4. Some formal rules for the presentation of writings will be established.

Annex 2:
Additional notes on the current theoretical-political production and the need to encourage it from other places and positions

Where has the theoretical production of the so-called forces against capitalism, for socialism, for communism been through over the last decades?

It is important to remark that some groups have made many efforts to keep alive the positions of their reference points and the revolutionary traditions that they claim. They have implemented policies of development of cadres, studied the classic authors, disseminated them, or applied those lessons to the analysis of specific situations and drawn new lessons. All of this proves great valuable theoretical, political and mostly personal effort, as it involves commitment, time -which is usually detracted from “free time”- and economic resources -which also come from personal contributions.

But if, besides those efforts, we wonder, apart from some classics, what can be found in bookshops, opinion magazines, newspapers, mass media, etc, regarding Marxism and its supporters, what we can see was and is produced mostly in the university milieu, rarely with direct links to the working class struggle and their radicalized and/or revolutionary vanguards. These are productions that are tinted with an intellectual academic imprint, and with little incidence on strategic production, on finding answers to the great concerns and problems of the Internationalist communist movement.

Thus, we shall find a range of “Marxisms” that are real influential promoters of ideologies of the capital or of helplessness in this regard, absolutely devoid of any revolutionary force.

Besides, in that theoretical production, there is a shift in the objects of study and the elaborations. Little by little, core matters such as revolution, power, the transition of capitalism to socialism and/or communism, economy, the relationships between strategy and tactics, the lessons in relation to all those problems of the different historical revolutionary experiences, are losing importance. Instead, other matters, regardless of their importance, but which cannot replace the previous ones: philosophical, speculative, cultural, methodological, epistemological, anthropological, aesthetic, professional ones and many other issues requested by academic teaching in different disciplines, become more relevant to them (it should be reminded that we are always referring to those with some presence on the shelves, newsstands, and the diverse mass media).

It is indeed important to remark that, due to the correlation of forces, very favourable to capital, the defence of the genuinely communist theory was confined to groups of limited influence. The revolutionary and proletarian tension and resolution generated texts, analyses, criticism and self-criticism, balances of defeats, all of which must be recovered and developed and are nowadays practically unknown in many countries, be it for the absence of translations or for the predominance of the policies of those who see themselves as the real representatives of the proletariat, of revolutionary Marxism and communism, who have helped to make those contributions invisible as they questioned their reformist formulations directly or indirectly concealing state capitalism, or supporting a bourgeois side and its institutions.

Over the last few years, the theoretical production of a good deal of the materials, books, etc, that saw the widest circulation moved from the French, Italian, etc, academic milieu to the USA, the UK and, to a lesser extent, to Germany. In Latin America there were some isolated productions, but without major spreading and impact.

A rare paradox: a god deal of the lessons, defence or installation of the Marxist “truth”, does not just stem from the academic field, but from countries where revolutionary proletarian forces have developed less and where the bourgeoisie's hegemony is stronger. And with another characteristic: these are imperialist states. And the curious thing about it is that those developments are many times focused on methodological questions or on the situations of other countries, whereas in those same countries the struggle, opposition and, resistance also develop but are silenced, ignored and crushed. And these theoreticians rarely take part and theorize on that struggle in their own countries.

The mentions to “academy” above and to the fact that, to a great extent, the current developments come from the university milieu, do not automatically involve condemnation on our part.

We mention it because we see the need to promote and prioritize another sort of production, from elsewhere, not just geographically speaking, but “non-academically” or should we say, without the academic cast of mind. And also from “elsewhere” because, as someone said over a hundred years ago, you do not see the same from a hut than from a palace. The priorities are also different. The truth is that good theoretical, communist, revolutionary and Internationalist production is needed, no matter where it comes from.

It is interesting to verify and highlight a production “from elsewhere”, although in comparison with the above mentioned, it will not reach their spreading nor their “status” to be taken seriously and they will rarely be seen on a shelf in the form of a book, in a large-print newspaper or in the mass media.

Thanks to technological advances, particularly thanks to the Internet, a big leap has been made in the production of ideas, information, and criticism of some aspects of the capitalist society.

Countless blogs, websites, discussion forums, internet radio stations, digital magazines, bulletins, emails, belonging to some organizations or as the result of personal efforts by small groups, reveal a potential for counterculture and counter-information. Those who just see eclecticism, poor in-depth view or poor coherence, ups and downs and intermittencies, presences and absences -all of them real-, do miss contributions and potentials. Certainly there is a lot of excitement and dispersion of forces, and their contents are many times partial or superficial, but it is a space to be considered.

What it does happen, as it happens in general with the internet, is that such great production of notes, news and articles on countless sites, produces saturation, superposition and get little impact in relation to the forces invested and the results achieved.

On the other hand, the cultural and consumerist tendencies themselves have promoted -knowingly or unknowingly- in most of the population, particularly among the youth, a rejection of reading long or deep texts. Hence the tendency to produce short notes, aimed at particular questions, denunciations, information, small developments, isolated critical reflections, cultural, poetic matters, which might be important when framed in a strategy of struggle and counter-cultural accumulation, but isolated and without greater perspective, in many cases they just unfortunately add to the great mass of materials that can be found -and get lost- on the internet chaotically and just play their role partly in small communities of friends, sympathizers or followers.

Also on several of those websites, those which are more politicized, polemics or message exchanges develop with a great amount of flippancy and aggressiveness. And there is also that growing presence of armies of scribes and agents provocateurs, paid by the system factories that flood the net with rubbish, with bourgeois ideology and with open or covert propaganda in defence of certain interests of the ruling class, at the same time encouraging despair, helplessness or dead ends.

In any case this panorama shows that there are, no matter how small in the general context, valuable creative people, producing ideas, who, in spite of fulfilling it under precarious conditions, do not resign themselves to be the toy of trends and of the ruling ideology. It is indeed very limited, even for the individual work itself, without an organic framework, which reduces forces. There are also incoherent or superficial opinions coexisting with others that are not so.

We just want to stress the fact that the new digital tools and resources and mass media must be taken into account and their potentials and dangers must be better weighed.

We must indeed not forget that the strategic theoretical production and, what is more, the strategic political production depends on other variables: class struggle, links and political positioning in same, knowledge of previous productions and so on.

1 From movimiento, movement. A Latin American, mostly South American, term referring to mass action on the streets, a sort of populism. Translator's note.

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